We offer FREE on-site evaluations to residential and commercial customers in Rockingham County, Hillsborough County, Stratford County, Merrimack and Belknap County.

Lower your energy bills and enjoy a more comfortable home by installing blown-in attic insulation. Preston’s features a safe, fast and efficient process that provides benefits immediately after installation. Call us today for blown-in attic insulation in New Hampshire or York County Maine – (603) 524-8400.



Homes that are under-insulated have higher energy bills because their heating and cooling systems work harder and run longer. By insulating your attic, temperatures can be maintained more efficiently, lowering energy bills. According to the Environmental Protection Agency, you can save an average of 15% on energy costs by insulating your attic, floors and crawl space. How much you will save after installing attic insulation depends on your heating and cooling system, but average savings is about $780 per year.


Blown-in attic insulation prevents heat and moisture from damaging your walls. Excess heat build up can damage the shingles on your roof. Insulation is also an excellent way of preventing mold because it keeps the air dry. Mold needs moist cool conditions to grow. By installing attic insulation you are not only improving your indoor space, you are also improving the structure of your home or business.


When there are air leaks in the structure of your home or business, dust, mold and other unwanted pollutants can enter your indoor space. Over time, these airborne toxins accumulate and can compromise indoor air quality. The best way to fight this is with blown-in attic insulation that provides air tight seals that no pollutant can pass through. This means better indoor air quality, free of outdoor toxins and irritants.


Heat naturally flows from warmer areas to cooler areas. Under-insulated homes and businesses suffer from temperature fluctuations that cause the indoor space to quickly become too hot or too cold as the outdoor temperature changes. Without proper insulation, lower level floors may be too cold and upper floors too hot. Blown-in attic insulation provides a barrier that reduces these temperature fluctuations, giving you a more comfortable space all day and night.


Old, damaged or missing insulation causes your heating and cooling system to work longer and harder in order to maintain temperature. After installing blown-in attic insulation there will immediately be less heat gain in the summer and heat loss in the winter. This makes your HVAC’s job easier, lowering energy bills and creating more comfortable indoor temperatures year-round.


When your home’s heating and cooling system is working efficiently it means less energy is needed. This means there is less energy required from the power company to be delivered to your home, and therefore less pollution. Not only are you giving yourself better interior air quality, but you are making a small contribution to the environment on a larger scale through reduced energy usage.


Cellulose insulation is an effective and safe insulation solution for your attic. It’s made from recycled paper and treated with borate, making it fire-retardant. It also distributes evenly, making it a top choice for new energy-efficient construction.

Environmentally Friendly
There are no harmful chemicals in cellulose insulation.

Consistent High Performance
Cellulose insulation is blown into cavities, creating air-tight seals everywhere it is sprayed.

Fire Retardant
Cellulose insulation is treated with borate, which is effective at slowing down fire. This means homes that have been insulated with blown-in cellulose are far safer than those without.

If you’re ready to enjoy all the benefits of blown-in attic insulation, call us today at (603) 524-8400 for a free estimate!